At HHI, we know that empowered women, empower women. Mentorship is a life-changing gift that allows others to pass on the blessing and lift others up. Krishnaveti knows the impact of training, support, and encouragement.
Prasanthi is the Women of Hope Coordinator in India. She has a sewing program that trains, supports, and encourages women. Krishnaveti (pictured above) participated in Prasanthi’s sewing program several years ago. After she graduated with new skills in sewing and a renewed confidence, she applied for a small loan from Women of Hope to launch her tailoring business. Krishnaveti worked hard, applied Christian businesswomen’s principles, and grew her business. Her store was highly sought after due to the quality of the products she was selling.
Prasanthi saw her potential to be a great teacher and hired Krishnaveti to launch a second location for the sewing program. Krishnaveti knows the impact of training, support, and encouragement. Now, she uses her storefront to generate income for her family and train dozen of other women to do the same!