Imagine, no measurable rain for months. The ground is dry, and the scarcity of water is just another daily challenge in the Osewal Village of Kenya. And then, on a typical spring afternoon, the clouds begin to gather, and ominous thunder growls across the sky. The rains do come, all at once, and with an unstoppable force. Water pours from the clouds, relentlessly, incessantly, carving long ditches with flash floods and rushing currents. Dusty earth turns to mudslides, and the losses are many. Family members, homes, livelihoods – all of it, washed into destruction and confusion.
Kenya is familiar with its typical two rainy seasons. Fall brings a series of shorter rains, and after an extended period of dryness, the heavier rains arrive in the spring. But this season has endured more rainfall than predicted or expected, and it keeps coming. The ground is saturated and has given way to the power of extreme precipitation. Because our faithful donors help us stand prepared to meet emergency needs, the HHI Disaster Response Program has been able to reach survivors of the Kenyan floods in efforts to bring a level of immediate relief. We have provided funds to purchase food, mattresses and blankets, and we are constructing plans to stay with them as the rebuilding process begins.
Osewal is home to Lementa Lemugo. He is the father of eight children, and he is thankful to the Lord for sparing his family. He recounts their harrowing experience: “The waters destroyed everything we had. It came so fast that we couldn’t rescue anything except our lives. I am thankful to Healing Hands International for coming to share in our pains and share the relief aids. We know that it was a natural disaster and there is nothing anyone can do about it. God bless you for coming to bless us.”
Mando Nkasise, like many others, will have to start from scratch to rebuild her life. She describes the panic when the floods began: “The water [was] flowing so fast, and swept away houses and household items. We managed to run with the children, and by the grace of God, we escaped. But I lost everything to the raging waters. I am thankful to Healing Hands international for [bringing] these provisions. God bless you.”
Yetto Nkapuri paints a picture of the human spirit and the efforts to carry on after the floods, “The water came, sweeping away everything. We had six houses, but everything went with the water. We have been sleeping out in the open since then. There is water everywhere, I am so grateful for the gift from Healing Hands International.”
Thank you for allowing our Disaster Response program to maintain preparedness. Although we cannot predict when or where a catastrophe will strike, we know and believe that the Lord Himself goes before us and will be with us; He will never leave us nor forsake us (Deuteronomy 3:8). Please join us in praying for our brothers and sisters in Kenya, and especially for their fortitude and hope for the long haul of recovery ahead.